Hay Field House Renovation, Principia College, Elsah, Illinois

Hay Field House Renovation, Principia College, Elsah, Illinois
Hay Field House Renovation
Principia College commissioned Cannon Design to study the existing Hay Field House, home to the college’s performance gymnasium and natatorium. With the development of a new natatorium and aging locker room facilities in the works, Principia College undertook a major renovation of the existing athletic facility that included conversion of the old natatorium into a fitness center. Existing Locker/Shower rooms were demolished along the north elevation of the old natatorium and replaced with a full-height glass wall with views to the wooded landscaping beyond. The final solution included extensive renovation of deficient locker/shower rooms and public spaces, conversion of former natatorium into fitness center offering circuit training, cardiovascular equipment, and juice bar and a building wall (incorporated into an alcove below a new mezzanine above).
The new second level mezzanine projecting into the new fitness center accommodates two large multipurpose rooms for dance, aerobics, and other group exercise activities. In addition to new team and guest locker rooms is a new football team locker room. Also included is a new racquetball court (convertible to squash with a movable wall system) and exhibit space for a new Hall of Fame. New mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems have been provided to support the renovation.
Principia College, Elsah, IL​
$5 M Construction Cost
2008 Completion
Voorhees - Project Manager, Sports Technology
Awards / Recognition
St. Louis Chapter TEGA Award Category II - ASHRAE